Cobalt, lithium, and manganese are some of the key materials needed to build electric car batteries. As demand for these commodities skyrockets, so does the price and electric car makers are increasingly turning to the darker parts of the world, dealing with corrupt regimes in hopes of finding cheaper EV battery material. Check out this Bloomberg article here.

EVs are going to have to address this darker side of their industry as their adoption numbers slowly inch up. Their business model is unprofitable and relies upon a scarce commodity mined by the poor and children in corrupt nations all in hopes of possibly transforming transportation in the name of marginally lowering emissions in light duty vehicles.

CNG vehicles are American made and 100% powered by American Natural Gas. We are proud of that we never have to hide facts about our industry.


(Above: A creuseur, or digger, descends into a copper and cobalt mine in Kawama, Democratic Republic of Congo.)

Categories: CNGEVs

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