It seems all we hear today is how the oil & gas industry are behind climate change and increased greenhouse gas emission levels. You can imagine our surprise when we read this new study last week.

Apparently researchers with NOAA found, among other things, that “microbial sources such as rice paddies and wetlands are the cause of the global increase in methane emissions, not fossil fuel development“.

Dr. Katie Brown does a marvelous job synthesizing the study into 4 main points or facts in her blog post on

Fact #1: Wetlands and agriculture – not fossil fuel production – are responsible for the increase in global methane emissions

Fact #2: Fossil fuel methane emissions are not increasing despite dramatic increases in production

Fact #3: Researchers lump all fossil fuels together to claim emissions are 20 to 60 percent higher than previous estimates; go on to single out a dramatic drop in natural gas leakage rates

Fact #4: This study follows a number of reports that have come to the same conclusion that fossil fuel emissions are not to blame

Again, we always knew CNG would help make the world a cleaner and better place (all while saving fleet users money!) but we had no idea how much cleaner CNG really is! Driving Green and Saving Green, that is the Freedom CNG way!

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