The Freedom CNG team enjoyed Matt Piotrowski’s ‘The Fuse’ write up making a strong case for natural gas. He points to a recent webinar hosted by the American Trucking Association and Securing America’s Future Energy in which T. Boone Pickens, Frederick W. Smith, and Matt Godlewski discuss how natural gas & CNG are going to alter the transportation and energy sectors in the coming years.

We’ve posted a similar graph before but the stable and consistent pricing of CNG is one of the more compelling reasons why major companies are making the switch. Between the increased cost savings, the national security implications, and the clean air dividend, It Really Is A No-Brainer!

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to give us a call (281) 484-3875 or shoot us an email at! We would also be delighted to give you a tour of any of our sites!



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