Exciting news for all our current & future customers!

Today we finished installing standby back-up power generators at all Freedom CNG’s Houston sites meaning that despite the rain, wind & water, we will be able to meet your fleet’s fueling needs even when the power goes out.

As you may remember back in 2008 during Hurricane Ike, many of us experienced first-hand the difficulty of finding fuel both as the hurricane approached Houston and after it hit. Gas stations either had insanely long lines to fill up or simply ran out of gasoline & diesel due to high demand. (Not to mention that Ike pushed gasoline to $4.85 a gallon!)

With CNG fueling stations, this won’t be a problem. Pipelines are operationally reliable during hurricanes and have a safety record of 99.999997% meaning that if a major storm or hurricane hits Houston, chances are that natural gas will still be available for CNG fleets. Our new generators will keep the stations operational and natural gas will continue to flow in the pipelines so we can fill you up and you can get the job done for your customers!

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